This tiny flag indicates that CopyThru options will be presented for your review when the GO button is clicked to start copying. To create or update a change-tracking file, click here. To create a change-tracking file, first select an unlocked target volume with either the source or destination popup menus. Then click here. You can not create or update a change-tracking file while CopyThru is busy. To turn balloon help OFF, click here. To turn balloon help ON, click here. You can not toggle balloon help while CopyThru is busy. For terse CopyThru directions, click here. CopyThru help is unavailable while CopyThru is busy. To select CopyThru options, click here. CopyThru options can not be changed while CopyThru is busy. You must select valid source, destination, and intermediate volumes before this "Go" button is enabled. To start copying, click this "Go" button. CopyThru is already running -- clicking on this "Go" button will have no effect. You must select valid source, destination, and intermediate volumes before this "Stop/Go" button is enabled. To start copying, click and release this stop button. To abort CopyThru, click this stop button. This is CopyThru's main window. To move it, click anywhere (except on a button) and drag.